Full Time
January 22, 2024
Blantyre & Lilongwe
January 31, 2024

Company: Imani Consultants Limited

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Who we are:
Nathan, a Cadmus Company and Imani Consultants Limited, commenced implementation of Zantchito
Entrepreneurship and Access to Finance in October 2022. Zantchito Entrepreneurship and Access to Finance
(hereafter Zantchito Entrepreneurship) is a business incubation support programme under the Zantchito Skills
for Jobs apex programme. It is financed by the European Union (EU) in Malawi and coordinated by the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Malawi office and the Government of Malawi. The objective of the
programme is to promote entrepreneurial culture, sustainable enterprise creation and decent, formal jobs.
Zantchito Entrepreneurship aims to enhance pre-incubation, incubation, post-incubation support and the provision of Business Development Services (BDS) to Technical, Entrepreneurial, and Vocational Training (TEVET) graduates and Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs).

Reporting to the Team Leader, Zantchito Entrepreneurship is looking to recruit three (03) full time Business
Incubation Officers to be based in Lilongwe and in Blantyre โ€“ to support the on-going implementation of the programme.

Business Incubation Officer:

What youโ€™ll contribute:

The Business Incubation Officer will be responsible for undertaking the following activities:

  • Verification of milestone claims submitted by business incubators (as set out in their individual UNDP contracts) and confirmation that documentation is as per the requirements of the contract.
  • Supporting the development of incubate support plans and the provision of input for the revision of incubate business plans.
  • Monitoring of the disbursement of grant funds to incubates through individual incubators and cross-verification of the work of the assigned Business Development Officer (BDO) at each incubator as per incubate support plans.
  • Reconciliation of funds requisitioned for disbursement to incubates against actual expenditures incurred.
  • Preparation of requests to UNDP for disbursement of the funds by the selected financial service provider, including whether funds should be paid in line with incubate support budgets.
  • Reviewing the performance of the BDS providers to the incubator to ensure that they are in line with service delivery agreements.
  • Highlighting any divergencies in BDS service agreements and incubate support plans and budgets to the Team Leader.
  • Supporting the close monitoring of business incubators, ensuring the BDO and incubator manager report monthly on incubate progress, issues, and outputs.
  • Ensuring that data is regularly inputted to the CommCare reporting system as guided by the monitoring and evaluation lead.
  • Preparation and submission of work plans, budgets and reports on progress against agreed performance indicators for each stage of incubation to UNDP, as required.

If you might be the right fit:
Please submit your CV and a cover letter to by Wednesday, 31st January 2024. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.