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Company: Balaka District Council
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Local Government Service Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified Malawian candidates to fill the following vacant posts existing at Balaka District Council.
1) Post: Director of Agriculture
Grade: E/M2
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to : District Commissioner
Applicants must be serving Chief Agriculture Officer (Grade F/ M3) with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience at that grade in the Local Authorities.
- Coordinate agriculture activities in order to ensure that Council’s agriculture plans are implemented effectively;
- Coordinate technology transfer processes for sustainable land management;
- Interpret agricultural related policies and formulate strategies for their implementation;
- Plan, promote and assist in the restoration and development of fisheries resources;
- Coordinate extension activities in the Directorate to ensure sustainable Utilization of resources;
- Review Agricultural Policies, Systems and Methodologies technically and financially from time to time and making recommendations for appropriate action;
- Develop annual Agriculture work plans for the Council;
- Control the use of resources in the Directorate;
- Prepare and submit the budget for the Directorate; and
- Advise the Agriculture Service Committee and the District Commissioner on all matters of the Directorate.
2) Post: Director of Economic Planning and Development
Grade: E/M2.
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to : District Commissioner
Applicants must be serving Chief Planning and Development Officers (Grade F/M3) with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience at that grade in Local Authorities.
- Direct and supervise staff in the directorate to gain effective and efficient achievement of work program;
- Advise the Development Committee of the Council and the District Commissioner on all development related programs and services;
- Provide leadership in assessing projects based on viability and established Council policies;
- Forecast realistic project disbursement and development expenditure;
- Design and implement the Council’s monitoring and evaluation system;
- Develop sustainable strategies and techniques for mobilizing communities to participate in development undertakings;
- Review Rural Development programs technically and financially from time to time and making recommendations for appropriate actions;
- Forecast, mitigate and coordinate relief and disaster preparedness activities in the Council;
- Ensure that all cross-cutting issues including HIV/AIDS and Gender issues are integrated into all development programs of the Council; and
- Any other duties assigned from time to time by the Controlling Officer
3) Post: Director of Health Services
Grade: E/M2
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to: District Commissioner
Applicants must be serving Chief Health Services Officer (Grade F/M3) or Chief Medical Officers (Grade F/M3) or Chief Preventive Health Officers (Grade F/M3) with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience at that grade in the Local Authorities.
- Plan and coordinate day to day activities of the Directorate;
- Advise the Health Service Committee of the Council and the District Commissioner on all health related services;
- Control the use of resources in the Directorate;
- Develop annual Health Service plans for the Council;
- Prepare estimated drugs and other necessary medical requirements for the Council;
- Ensure that health standards are upheld at all the time; and
- Any other duties assigned from time to time by the Controlling Officer
4) Post: Director of Finance
Grade: E/M2
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to: District Commissioner
Applicants must be serving Chief Accountants (Grade F/ M3) with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience at that grade in Local Authorities.
- Coordinate the day to day activities of the finance directorate;
- Prepare all estimates in consultation with all the directorates;
- Manage all funds and investments at the Council;
- Report to the District Commissioner and Council Finance Committee on any anticipated over expenditure, authorized expenditure and deviation from regulations;
- Maintain the accounting system and supervise all financial staff;
- Prepare annual accounts, grant claims, external and internal financial statements, statistics and cost statements;
- Attend Finance Committee and other Committee meetings; and
- Adopt and implement an appropriate expenditure monitoring and control mechanism.
5) Post: Trade Officer
Grade: I /M6
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to : Director of Commerce and Industry
Applicants must be serving Senior Assistant Trade Officer (Grade J/M8) with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience at that grade in the Local Authorities or in possession of a Bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurship, Business Management, Business Administration, Commerce or Agri-business obtained from accredited institutions.
- Facilitate registration of Cooperatives with the Ministry responsible for Trade;
- Conduct inspections on weighs and measuring instruments i.e. weighing scales, rulers, fuel pump etc.;
- Facilitate trainings on cooperative member education, and cooperative management;
- Conduct business premise inspection and revenue collection;
- Monitoring of substandard products, expired goods and counterfeits and advise on correct action;
- Attend to liquor licensing board meetings and inspection;
- Facilitate participation of farmer business groups at trade fairs within and outside the district;
- Facilitate business groups tours;
- Linking business communities and groups to financial lending institution and reliable markets;
- Monitoring/facilitates development of markets in the district;
- Facilitate trade exhibitions or open days;
- Promote industrial development in the district;
- Attend to trade complaints and enquires
- Maintain data for business enterprises in the district;
- Provide advisory services on imports, exports, business registration etc. to the business communities; and
- Monitor the availability and distribution of essential products and report to the relevant authorities
6) Post: Agriculture Information and Knowledge Management Officer
Grade: I/M6
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to : Director of Agriculture
Applicants must be in possession of Bachelor’s Degree in Media for Development Studies, Mass Communication and Journalism or Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Development Communication obtained from accredited institutions.
- Prepare and submit annual work plans and budgets for the Agriculture Information and Knowledge Management unit;
- Assist in developing and implementing a district-level communication strategy to promote agricultural information and knowledge;
- Collect and disseminate agricultural information and knowledge to stakeholders through various channels;
- Support collaboration with district-level stakeholders to promote agricultural information and knowledge sharing;
- Assist in developing and publishing agricultural information materials;
- Help organize events, training, and workshops to promote agricultural information and knowledge sharing;
- Assist in monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural information and knowledge management activities; and
- Prepare and submit reports.
7) Post: Accountant
Grade: I/M6
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to : Director of Finance
Applicants must be in possession of Bachelors’ Degree in Accountancy obtained from a recognized institution. In addition, the applicant must have a sound knowledge of financial principles, practices and procedures; and be conversant with financial software e.g., SAGE
- Prepare Monthly Cash flows;
- Supervise processing of payments;
- Maintain Cashbook;
- Ensure paid vouchers are properly filed;
- Ensure that council is adhering to its commitments i.e. VAT/surtax, WHT, PAYE etc.;
- Ensure that transactions are correctly posted and verifying subsidiary books before posting into the General Ledger; and
- Any other relevant duties as assigned from time to time.
8) Post: Health Services Administrator
Grade: I/M6
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to: Principal Health Services Administrator
Applicants must be in possession of Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration or Human Resource Management, Political Science or Business Administration obtained from accredited institutions
- Provide administrative support to health facilities including managing correspondence, reports and record;
- Coordinate and manage health facility’s human resource including recruitment, training, and personnel management;
- Oversee management of the health facility finances including budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting
- Ensure compliance with health policies, regulations, and standards;
- Coordinate and manage health facility’s logistics including procurement, Supply chain management, and maintenance of equipment and facilities;
- Provide support for health facility operations including patient flow. Scheduling, and referrals;
- Collaborate with healthcare providers and other stakeholders to ensure effective delivery of health services; and
- Analyse and interpret health data to inform decision making and improve health services.
9) Post: Assistant Procurement Officer
Grade: K/M8
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to : Procurement Officer
Applicants must be serving Senior Stores Assistants (GradeL/M10) with a minimum of four (4) years ‘experience at that grade in the Local Authorities or in possession of a Diploma in Procurement, Purchasing and Supply, Supply Chain Management or Level 5 of CIPS obtained from accredited institutions.
- Support planning, organizing, and directing the operations of the procurement section;
- Prepare, maintain and update supplies list;
- Assist in preparing the Council’s procurement plan in consultation with iv. the Procurement Officer;
- Maintain proper procurement records;
- Assist in preparing documents for the Internal Procurement Committee (IPC) before its meetings;
- Take part in the preparation of tender documents, sell of tender documents, opening of tender and evaluation of tenders; and
- Any other duties assigned from time to time by the responsible officer.
10) Post: Assistant Disaster Risk Management Officer
Grade: K/M8
Location: Balaka District Council
Responsible to : Disaster Risk Management Officer
Applicants must be in possession of a Diploma in Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change or Environmental Management obtained from accredited institutions.
- Assist in coordinating disaster risk management programmes in the local authority;
- Support the development and implementation of local disaster risk management frameworks and strategies, including DRM plans, contingency plans, response and evacuation plans;
- Identifying priority disaster risk management measures;
- Maintaining the disaster management information systems for the local authority;
- Guiding local disaster risk management structures in the assessment of beneficiaries and determination of needs after the occurrence of disaster;
- Support preparation of budgets for the disaster risk management programmes;
- Establishing and managing a register of disaster risk management volunteers at the local level: and
- Any other duties assigned from time to time by the responsible officer.
Applications with detailed Curriculum Vitae, copies of Certificates, and National Identity should be sent to:
The Executive Secretary,
Local Government Service Commission,
P.O Box 766,
To reach him not later than 25th February, 2025.