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Company: Chikwawa District Council
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Local Government Service Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified Malawian candidates to fill the following vacant posts existing at Chikwawa District Council:
1. Post: Director of Finance
Grade : E/M2
Location : Chikwawa District Council
- Coordinate the day to day activities of the finance directorate;
- Prepare all estimates in consultation with all the directorates;
- Manage all funds and investments at the Council;
- Report to the District Commissioner and Council Finance Committee on any anticipated over expenditure, authorized expenditure and deviation from regulations;
- Maintain the accounting system and supervise all financial staff;
- Prepare annual accounts, grant claims, external and internal financial statements, statistics and cost statements;
- Attend Finance Committee and other Committee meetings; and
- Adopt and implement an appropriate expenditure monitoring and control mechanical.
Applicants must be serving Chief Accountants (Grade F/M3) with at least four (4) years’ experience at that grade in the local councils and must be in possession of a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy, Business Administration or any other relevant qualification obtained from accredited institutions.
2. Post: Principal Medical Officer
Grade: Grade G/M4
Location: Chikwawa Districts Council
- Serve as Head of Clinical Services department at the Council;
- Take lead in clinical Work (patient care) including being on call, conduct war rounds and OPD clinics both at the hospital and peripheral health facilities;
- Recommend the procurement of drugs, medical supplies and medical equipment for the district;
- Coordinate the preparation of annual budgets for the hospital in collaboration with the DHMT;
- Compile periodic reports as determined by the DHMT on the performances of the hospital and curative services in the district;
- Ensure that all deaths in the hospital are audited and measures taken to prevent unnecessary deaths.
- Supervise all medical staff under his/her control.
Applicants must be serving Senior Medical Officers (Grade HH/M5) with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience at that grade in the local councils.
3. Post: Principal Preventive and Promotion Officer
Grade: HG/M4
Location: Chikwawa District Council
- Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate Environment health services and social welfare services of the Council;
- Prepare, implement the budget for the Preventive Health Services Section
- Supervise officers in the section
- Conduct civic education on environmental health issues;
- Promote sanitation and hygiene at the Council,
- Any other relevant duty assigned from time to time.
Applicants must be serving Environmental Health Officers (Grade I/ M6) with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience at that grade in the local councils.
4. Post: Supplies Officer
Grade: I/M6
Location: Chikwawa District Council
- Supervision of Stores Functions.
- Managing the process of boarding off items (Disposal of Assets)
- Training Supplies Sections Staff.
- Maintaining Stores Records, Files and catalogues
- Following up on outstanding deliveries from supplies notes, formulating and running systems updates and changes to processes.
- Conducting stock checking and stock taking and compiling discrepancy reports
Applicants must be Serving Senior Assistant Procurement Officers (Grade J/M7) with at least four (4) years experience at that grade in local councils or in possession of a bachelor’s degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management obtained from accredited institutions.
5. Post: Environmental Health Officer
Grade: I/M6
Location: Chikwawa District Council
- Prepare plans, implement and monitor Health Education activities
- Facilitate training programs for all Health and related personnel of Chikwawa District Council
- Coordinate and monitor all environmental health matters
- Promote health and safety issues
- Organize interventions on Health related issues
- Collaborate with relevant authorities and ensure participation and involvement in health information
Applicants must be serving Senior Assistant Environmental Health Officers (Grade HJ/M7) with at least four (4) years’ experience at that grade in local councils or in possession of a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Health obtained from accredited institution and must be registered with Medical Council of Malawi
6. Post : Laboratory Technician
Grade : HK/M8
Location: Chikwawa District Council
- Examination of working places.
- General cleaning of working places.
- Preparations of specimen containers and reagents.
- Standardization of machines ready for days work.
- Reporting of results of yesterday’s specimens previously examined or which has been left over a night.
- Receiving of specimens from wards, outpatient and district or private hospitals.
- Collection of specimens from Wards, Outpatient or Private Hospitals.
- Registration of names and specimens in the daybook.
- Processing of specimens.
- Reporting of results and writing up in the daybook.
- Sending out results to various departments.
- Recording data in relevant registers/instruments
- Perform routine analysis, monitor performance and report to the supervisor following the HMIS and other technical guidelines.
Applicants should be holders of Diploma in Laboratory Technology/Biomedical Science obtained from accredited, institutions and must be registered with Medical Council of Malawi
7. Post: Clinical Technician
Grade: HK/M9
Location: Chikwawa District Council
- Supervise staff under him/her in daily work of cleaning wards and giving drugs to patients as prescribed.
- Order drugs and ensure that they are economically used and that dangerous drugs are properly recorded.
- Diagnose patient’s problems and prescribe treatment.
- Select patients for review by senior medical officer on his/her routine visits and send urgent cases for senior medical officer’s actions.
- Prepare work schedule and monthly returns of patients and staff.
- Conduct ward rounds.
Applicants must be in possession of a diploma in Clinical Medicine obtained from a accredited institutions and must be registered with Medical Council of Malawi.
8. Post: Assistant Agriculture Extension Development Officer (AEDO)
Grade: K (M8)
Location : EPA’s in Chikwawa
- Interpret agricultural development and extension policies to farmers in a section.
- Formulate strategies for implementing Agricultural development programs, projects and activities in liaison with local leaders and other stakeholders in a section.
- Facilitate formation of farmer clubs, associations, trusts and cooperatives in a section.
- Provide technical support to farmer based organizations in management of farmer organizations through organized training and coaching.
- Conduct farmer training needs assessment in a section.
- Facilitate recruitment of farmers for specific training organized outside the section.
- Conduct agricultural production estimates in a section.
- In liaison with stakeholders formulate strategies for achieving food security in a section.
- Organize plan and implement on farm demonstrations on various subjects in a section.
- Manage research trials in a section.
- Facilitate implementation of mobile van campaigns in a section.
- Review farming families’ statistics in a section on a yearly basis.
- Prepare and submit reports to Agricultural Extension Development (AEDO) regularly.
- Attend fortnightly training sessions organized by the EPA.
- Maintain relevant data bank for all agricultural enterprises in a section.
- Provide training services to farmers and stakeholders as per demand and requirement in a section.
- Organize and implement field days, tours to successful demonstration in a section.
Diploma in General Agriculture obtained from accredited institutions.
9. Post: Assistant Veterinary Officer
Grade: K/M8
Location : Dip Tanks / Vet Stations or EPA’s
- To report and be responsible to the Area Veterinary Supervisor/ AEDC.
- To carry out general livestock extension services
- To conduct farmer trainings on animal health and production
- To conduct farmer group organization
- To visit livestock farmers regularly and hold meetings
- To treat sick animals
- To supervise AHSAs and Vet Scouts under his control
- To collect samples from sick animals and send them to the Laboratory for confirmation.
- To conduct postmortem on dead animals in order to find the cause at the death.
- To conduct Meat Inspection in rural slaughter slabs
- To carry out vaccinations of various animal diseases.
- To carry out an annual livestock census.
- To compile and submit monthly, quarterly, annual and any other report timely
- To sensitize farmers on revival of strategic dipping
- To supervise strategic dipping of animals in the revived dip tanks and provide proper guidance.
- To issue livestock movement permits to livestock owners
- To attend fortnightly training workshops at EPA.
- To mount on-farm demonstrations
- Recording and reporting of disease outbreaks to higher authorities
- Convey and interpret to farmers new livestock messages, technologies and interventions for early adoption
- To ensure safety of all government items under his/her custody.
- And any other duties as assigned by the controlling officer.
Applicants must be in possession of Diploma in Animal Health / Science obtained from accredited institutions.
Mode of Application
Applications with detailed Curriculum Vitae, copies of certificates and National Identity should be sent to:
The Executive Secretary,
Local Government Service Commission,
P.O. Box 766,
To reach the commission not later than 14th March, 2025